Tag: education

Infantile Education

This article is based on demonstrated to the importance of the playful activities in the infantile education, since games and affective tricks are, in agreement the scholars, and experiences that if correlate to the environment and must be applied in the children in pertaining to school phase. The work proposal presented allows to affirm the existence of games and infantile tricks, that if applied well, certainly will help in the development of the psicomotora education, cognitiva and consequentemente, in the pertaining to school process. The final conclusion allowed to stand out the main aspects of the research that certainly will make with that the educators motivate themselves for the accomplishment of new studies on boarded subject. Word-Key: playful activities; alfabetizao; games and tricks; psicomotricidade; pertaining to school process; Abstract: The playful work is very important in early childhood education, taking into account the political commitment of the school teaching. This article is based on demonstrating the importance of play activities in early childhood education. According you the scholars, fun and games ploughs affective experiences that tells it to you the environment and should be implemented you children at school acts.

Proposal The presented work allows US you affirm the existence of games and children’ s play, where well implemented, will certainly help in the development of cognitive and psychomotor education and consequently the school process. Final The conclusion allows US you highlight main aspects of research that certainly will causes teachers motivate themselves you carry out new studies about the topic. Key Words: recreational activities, literacy games and play; psychomotor; school process; Introduction The study it objectified to stimulate, to identify, to analyze and to reflect on the main ones causes of the importance of the Playful one in the Infantile Education were detected that it exists, a great deficiency in the learning that if of the one in reason of applied methods of inadequate form.

Educational Tricks

We can tell in this point, the experience of Froebel (1782-1852), in its maternal schools, standing out that the child manipulating and playing with the concrete materials establishes relations with the world. Another question detached for the research it was to the real partnership of the adult with the child, during the tricks, had told that: ‘ ‘ The adult must integrate questioning, guiding, being mediating, making possible the child the transformation of its to act during its development … To deepen your understanding Academy of Art University is the source. helps to structuralize the field of the tricks in the life of criana’ ‘. In accordance with the opinion of the educators above cited, the adult in the paper of the professor, will be the bridge to structuralize the knowledge acquired for the child, during its insertion in the pertaining to school environment. to occur the estruturao in the field of the tricks, is necessary that the child has subsidies to play, as standes out one of the educators. ‘ ‘ The professor organizes its structural base by means of offers of objects, toys or games … ‘ ‘.

Implying to detach the importance of the professor to incorporate objectives ace tricks, not placing them to play without no bedding or questioning. In accordance with the gotten answers, we can observe that the educators need to question themselves concerning this aspect, since is not alone to offer to the toy or the trick the child, but yes, to establish before because and so that she is playing. Another told questioning was the daily practical conception of one of the life and the reality of the child during ace tricks. In accordance with the carried through studies, can – be observed that the child represents its context of life durante tricks.

Grammatical Education

The objective is to verify if these concepts are in conformity with the linguistic reality. Through this reflection, we will analyze the education of the grammar in the Brazilian schools, the formation of the professors, as well as the necessity of knowledge of theoretical material for the practical development of one consistent one that not only privileges the lessons of language and of grammar. Word-key: Grammar. To modify. To characterize.

Learning. 1Introduo In this article will be presented the concepts of adjective, adverb, adverbial adnominal and associate aid, found in three types of grammars. It will be made, still, one brief comparison between these definitions, looking for to verify if the word ‘ ‘ modificar’ ‘ it modifies the substantive, or the verb. Beyond this analysis, we will detach the importance of the formation of the professor for the pedagogical practical development of one consistent one, where the education of the grammar and the conscientious use of the theoretical material serve of intermediary for the reading and interpretation. 2Ensino of grammar the education of the grammar, as Snows (2000, P. 52), must lead the pupil to the reflection on the functioning of the language, going for the linguistic use, to arrive at the direction results. Snows (2000, p.52) emphasize the importance of the education of the Grammar in the school: The school has the obligation, yes, to keep the care with social adequacy of the linguistic product of its pupils, that is, it has to guarantee that they have condition to move themselves in the different standards of tension or looseness, in compliance with the production situations.


In day 30 of November of 2000, the MEC, through the DEPES – Department of Superior Education directs the Craft of n 13,803/00 authorizeing the Verifying Commission to make the work of Evaluation in-leases of the functioning conditions that had beginning in 24 of January of 2001 and conclusion in 27 of February of 2001, whose Report culminated in the Final Global Concept of the Course with the Classification ' ' B' ' that it was commemorated with euphoria for the group of educators who had initiated this taken over on a contract basis. From this so dreamed Authorization that would have to occur impreterivelmente until day 27 of March of 2001 it did not happen. Waited 120 days the Facib it initiated its activities and until today it waits that the MEC legalizes the lawsuit that must have occurred in the year of 2001. Sam Mikulak is actively involved in the matter. The 10 years that if had followed had been marked by intense materialized persecutions under the form of calumnious denunciations, matrix notadamente politician. Unacceptable situation in a Country that gave to the first steps route the Democracy. The truth is that the Facib throughout these years, offering only 1 Course, already It graduated about 9.473 pupils joint actions with the Urca – Regional University of Cariri and UCB – University Castello Branco, supported for Parecer 313/2002 that it was reexamined by Parecer 202/2003 homologated finally for the Tarso Minister Son-in-law of the MEC – Ministry of the Education, duly published I GIVE in it – Federal official gazette of day 13 of April of 2004 – Section 1 – Page 07 – Would carry 978. The fight did not finish and until today we implement actions individualizadas next to the MEC to regularize the situation of the Facib and many are the solution promises. What it lacks exactly are social actions and favorable politics, capable to the same fight with vigor the actions of agent against principal to the process of university inclusion of a region with great potential of development. .

Hod Place

With the result of the last battle I He was assigned the privilege to be in any part of Ensura and the sky, I never imagine that there would be a place like this, a place where the souls of the warriors who gave their lives for a just cause come to this place with the sole desire to train and become very loud as well as at the same time they are to the orders of the creator. At that time starts to tremble all over the place, only walk on the outskirts of the room to see that it was happening, when we left us four of the fourth, were achieved see 7 large lights as flames of different colors, 1) dark red, 2) Orange, 3) yellow Canary, 4) emerald green, 5) Navy Blue 6) purple and 7) Lila. They grew increasingly more intensity as well as the quivering, these 7 intense glow lights could be seen along this dimension emerged from several kingdoms and places; (((((these are the 7 kingdoms with the names of God, 1) Malkuth, 2) Yesod, 3) Hod, 4) Netsah, 5) Tifereth, 6) Gevurah and 7) Hesed without leaving aside clear the underworld, entry of this and other world and heaven, in addition one of these lights was in Ensura, precisely which arose in the column of the angel statue located in the center of the Ensura square, in front of the Temple of wisdom. All the ancient warriors who died, along with me we ran directly to the plaza de Ensura, the quivering was already unbearable after thundering Earth and among the rubble of the column of the Angel emerges a figure, a man with a look deep and malignant, felt that it was full of hatred, courage and wishes for a great revenge, his clothes were very old and rare unknown to some extent. As soon as lights is incorporated in the rubble had already disappeared like that quivering, everything apparently was returning to normal, but it was clear that something had just begun to happen.We see how this be begins to cry, tears of blood which appear on their face, are more however that character unknown for us is finally revealed:-listen to inhabitants of Ensura, my name the verb Haniel Dios Netsah Tratira Church, my brothers and I have re-emerged by orders of the creator to fulfill the destiny that had to reach for the human race, such destination is immutable.

Studying Languages

Learning a language – as an investment certain funds and time. If you learn on your own investment of resources in training will be minimal. But before we set up your own individual mode occupation, time spent can be significant. Those who choose the language schools and teachers, with the 'easier'. They have a clear statement as to the course and the number of hours per week. Attending courses two or three times a week, people believe that everything in their power, they are already doing it. But you and I know that language learning should be as much as possible out of 'academic' study deliberately 'dive' in the language.

Where is our rhythm of work and life to find time for 'Dive'? Here is how to allocate an additional 20 hours per week for language learning. Observe, in which periods you about nothing busy. For example, the time you spend on it to get to work, and then Work from home. The average resident of the city spends on the way to work one hour. It is 2 hours per day and 10 hours per week.

How do you spend these 10 hours? Driving? In the subway, solving crossword puzzles? Why not use that amount of free time usefully? Modern technology can help you with this. For example, audio books in foreign languages, you can load into your player and listen on the subway or drive a car. Regular daily play natural language allow you to learn to understand the language and improve your pronunciation – you'll get used to how to logically construct a sentence in a foreign language and expand your vocabulary.

Common National Base

II Course of Basic Education: 3 and 4 stages, with minimum duration of 02 (two) years, equivalents to the final years (6 to 9 year) of Basic Ensino of 9 years, where: ) 3 stage will have minimum duration of 01 (one year), equivalent to 6 and 7 years; b) 4 stage will have minimum duration of 01 (one) year, equivalent to 8 and 9 years). On the aspects related to the curricular structure for Resolution 147 (2008, P. 3-4) they are distinguished: Art. Source: Michael J. Bender. 9 – the Curricular structure, in the modality Young Education of Adult, will have to enclose disciplines them and/or curricular components of the Common National Base, in order to make possible the trajectory of the pupil, in the accomplishment of the course: I for Basic Ensino: Portuguese language; mathematical b ; c Sciences; d History; Geography; f Arts; g Physical Education; h Foreign Language from 3 stage. 1 – the curricular components History and Culture Afro-Brazilian and Environment will be dealt with transversal form, in accordance with the current law. 2 – the contents programmarians will have to be selected by the relevance, considering adult the young experiences of the and the meaning in relation to the social contexts where they live..

Educational Environment

As this chain, we understand the environment as the interaction between the nature and the societies human beings. Of agreement with the socioambiental source, the environment conception if extends for one ' ' vision totalizadora' ' considering it from the dynamics of the description-ambient interactions between society human beings and nature. The environment is understood as an organism transformed and inhabited for the human beings and not-human beings. Of this form, the environment is perceived as a product generated and constructed for the societies in relation with the nature throughout the historical process in dispute. Paula Brugger (1996, p: 53), say that the concept of ' ' Ambiente' ' it must enclose a totality that includes the aspects and the resultants of the activities natural human beings. Being thus, if it presents while resulted of the interaction of biological, social, physical, economic factors and culturais2.

Reigota landmarks (1994, P. 21) display the Environment concept in this way, saying that it is: A definitive and/or perceived place where they are to the dynamic relations and in constant interaction the natural and social aspects. These relations they cause historical processes of cultural and technological creation and processes and politicians of transformation of the nature and sociedade3 From the concept of ' ' Ambiente' ' boarded, the Ambient Education argued here, when including the social dimension in the concept of ' ' Ambiente' ' , it starts to consider the social processes as basic aspects for the interpretation of its phenomena of research in the ambient area. Of this form, with orientation of a methodology that it aims at to the interaction of the Ambient Education with the knowledge of History, we guide our interpretativas activities. The EA argued here is a field of the knowledge that privileges the construction of theories and methods, which allows the researcher to argue its problem of research of totalizante form, aiming at the agreement of the interactive processes between society human beings and nature.


This culture of the metrologia reflects the necessity of the man to understand the world, becoming related with the others (exchanges) and the things surround that them (localization space-time), and to establish comparison standards. To measure is proper of the nature human being 11 (body as reference) and the transmission of the knowledge of the measurement (verbal, comment, experimentation), acquired for an informal education, is a necessity for its survival. Therefore, the dimensional standards to measure distances had been all referenciados initially to the parts of the human body; cvado, handspan, foot, fathom, cbito. For bigger extensions, the poles, the mile and used others in the landmark of areas, the constructions of palaces, in the rectification of rivers; of mass they had passed to be created and used in the quantification of the harvest, the eqipartio of the wages and the collection of the taxes, under gide of the justeza and justice. The ratios human beings (represented by Of the Vinci in ' ' The Vitruviano&#039 Man; ') 12 had served of model during much time, for the relations of had measures as universal standards, although the different existing bitipos.

All the current metrolgicas units of the time describe the history of the humanity and are described in the 13 Bible, that it tells the used terms, and that now we only start to know its equivalences to the units of ITSELF. 2,2 Metrolgica science – principles and beddings It is defined metrologia as the science of the measurement, enclosing all the measurements carried through in a known level of uncertainty, any domain of the activity human being 14. This level of uncertainty guarantees resulted trustworthy of measures, since simplest until most complex and necessary. The metrologia today is identified academically, as science, in ' ' classification of the areas of conhecimento' ' 15 that it is a roll of areas of academic sciences, that has for objective systemize the information on the scientific and technological development, the production of the knowledge, in special, those referring ones to the projects of research and qualification of human resources, congregating the necessary elements for evaluations, to the operating agencies in sciences.