Educational Tricks

We can tell in this point, the experience of Froebel (1782-1852), in its maternal schools, standing out that the child manipulating and playing with the concrete materials establishes relations with the world. Another question detached for the research it was to the real partnership of the adult with the child, during the tricks, had told that: ‘ ‘ The adult must integrate questioning, guiding, being mediating, making possible the child the transformation of its to act during its development … To deepen your understanding Academy of Art University is the source. helps to structuralize the field of the tricks in the life of criana’ ‘. In accordance with the opinion of the educators above cited, the adult in the paper of the professor, will be the bridge to structuralize the knowledge acquired for the child, during its insertion in the pertaining to school environment. to occur the estruturao in the field of the tricks, is necessary that the child has subsidies to play, as standes out one of the educators. ‘ ‘ The professor organizes its structural base by means of offers of objects, toys or games … ‘ ‘.

Implying to detach the importance of the professor to incorporate objectives ace tricks, not placing them to play without no bedding or questioning. In accordance with the gotten answers, we can observe that the educators need to question themselves concerning this aspect, since is not alone to offer to the toy or the trick the child, but yes, to establish before because and so that she is playing. Another told questioning was the daily practical conception of one of the life and the reality of the child during ace tricks. In accordance with the carried through studies, can – be observed that the child represents its context of life durante tricks.

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