Month: March 2014

Athletical Paranaense Side River

The International x Athletical Paranaense Side River, 1970, for the Goblet of Silver, end 4×1 for the Colorado. Rosildo Portela, from the Guairac Radio, receives atleticanos directors in the cabin and, of coasts for the game, it announces to the listeners the illustrious visit. He was when White Pablo, who answered for the planto of the radio, informs: – Attention, Portela; goal. – Goal where, my expensive White Pablo – There in Porto Alegre, Dorval for the Athletical one. As it was distracted with the visitors and it did not have twisted rubro-black in the stadium to hear the commemoration, Rosildo nor perceived the goal.

But it did not lose the pose and it told exactly behind. Source: EMED, op. cit., P. 58. Select x Bandeirante Union When the broadcaster who made the esportivo planto asked for resignation, the Radio Paranaense Club contracted an inexperienced speaker of beautiful voice, but that it did not understand of soccer. Its estria occurred in a round where the radio would transmit a Atletiba while, in Paranagu, they would play the Select one against the Bandeirante Union.

It had a great expectation, created for the proper narrator of the game, that announced the all moment the imminent entrance of the new plantonista. It was when will vozeiro one heard it calling: ‘ ‘ Airton! ‘ ‘ the narrator, fulling the ball of the novice: – It is the estria of the new planto of the Radio Club, Carlos Marassi, the revelation that came of far, armed of this powerful voice that will much more far go still for the waves of the Radio Club. It informs, Marassi! It must have been the emotion: – In Select: Paranagu 1, Union 0. Source: BUCHMANN, Ernani. The tip wood leg. Curitiba: ed. of the author, 2005. P. 25-6. Bulgaria x Sweden Pantry of the World of 1974, Galvo Bueno told broken from a monitor (‘ ‘ off-tube’ ‘). Informed of that Bulgaria x Sweden would tell, announced the escalaes and informed the viewers who the teams of white was Bulgaria and of yellow, Sweden. Already after some time of ball rolling, the German TV of the one close in placar: Eastern Germany 0x0 Australia, with the same colors. It has coincidence After a constrangedor silence, Galvo continued the narration with the names all duly corrected, as nothing it had been happened.


This culture of the metrologia reflects the necessity of the man to understand the world, becoming related with the others (exchanges) and the things surround that them (localization space-time), and to establish comparison standards. To measure is proper of the nature human being 11 (body as reference) and the transmission of the knowledge of the measurement (verbal, comment, experimentation), acquired for an informal education, is a necessity for its survival. Therefore, the dimensional standards to measure distances had been all referenciados initially to the parts of the human body; cvado, handspan, foot, fathom, cbito. For bigger extensions, the poles, the mile and used others in the landmark of areas, the constructions of palaces, in the rectification of rivers; of mass they had passed to be created and used in the quantification of the harvest, the eqipartio of the wages and the collection of the taxes, under gide of the justeza and justice. The ratios human beings (represented by Of the Vinci in ' ' The Vitruviano&#039 Man; ') 12 had served of model during much time, for the relations of had measures as universal standards, although the different existing bitipos.

All the current metrolgicas units of the time describe the history of the humanity and are described in the 13 Bible, that it tells the used terms, and that now we only start to know its equivalences to the units of ITSELF. 2,2 Metrolgica science – principles and beddings It is defined metrologia as the science of the measurement, enclosing all the measurements carried through in a known level of uncertainty, any domain of the activity human being 14. This level of uncertainty guarantees resulted trustworthy of measures, since simplest until most complex and necessary. The metrologia today is identified academically, as science, in ' ' classification of the areas of conhecimento' ' 15 that it is a roll of areas of academic sciences, that has for objective systemize the information on the scientific and technological development, the production of the knowledge, in special, those referring ones to the projects of research and qualification of human resources, congregating the necessary elements for evaluations, to the operating agencies in sciences.