Tag: education

Kalmar Union

We extend acquaintance with Scandinavian languages. Please visit Harold Ford Jr if you seek more information. Norwegian is the official language of Norway. The number and variety of Norwegian dialects are divided into three large groups: the northern, eastern and western. Dialects northern group circulated in the territory to the north of Trondheim, saying the eastern group are applied in the region between Trondheim and Oslo, while the western group are used in the west of Norway, south of Mollet. There are characteristic differences between eastern and western dialects, which can be observed since ancient times.

This fact can be traced in the monuments of ancient writing. In the 14 th century to the written version of the Norwegian language has influenced the Swedish language. This happened after the conclusion of a 1319 Swedish-Norwegian union. And after the signing of the Kalmar Union in 1397, increasing the influence of the Danish language, and in the 15 century, it is dominant in Norwegian literature. After the unification of Norway and Denmark in the 16 th century, Denmark, Norway subordinates. As a result, the official language of the country to become subordinate to the Danish language.

In Norway, the Danish language is gradually become the language spoken by the bourgeois society of the country, officials and senior clergy. Over time, the language included in the use of the lower strata of the bourgeoisie and the urban proletariat. The result of the introduction of the Danish language Norway is its crossing of the existing Norwegian dialects. Danish borrowing appear in Norwegian dialects, but along with it and the Danish language in the country is experiencing the influence of the Norwegian language.

Speech Presentation

Preparing for a presentation / speech to an audience always takes longer than you think. So the golden rule – LET'S GET TO PREPARE AS SOON AS POSSIBLE! 1. A clear definition of the problem to describe myself paper, a clear definition of the problem and its importance to you, a particular social group, audience, etc. That is, before you go further in preparing a presentation or a speech to an audience you as a speaker need for a clearly defined problem and the issues at stake. If you fail to do so in the beginning, it is unlikely you will achieve good results during training. And even more unlikely that you will be able to to do with speech. In any case, an incomplete understanding of the topic and question the speaker is always felt. 2.

Study subjects Conduct research topics. Collect material that relates to the problem for the versatile consideration. Facts, history, and even cases that are relevant to a particular topic. The opinions of people, celebrities, etc. Sometimes it is good to start with a presentation of someone else's quote, which provides food for thought for listeners and to you for opening theme.

3. The logical sequence of Tell a story in a logical sequence. Best of all information absorbed by people, if it is presented logically and consistently. Not recommended sudden transitions from one issue to another. If the presentation reviews several issues, discuss them sequentially. And on to the next topic should proceed only after a withdrawal of the previous question. 4. Keep the key concepts of key concepts. And do not pay particular attention to detail and unnecessary detail. You probably do not notice just how often the speakers gone into the deep jungle of students details. Such presentations usually no one is listening. They seem to be many boring and uninteresting. You really want to see the indifference and boredom on the faces of the audience? 5. On the most important to least important if you are considering a lot of key points, organize them with the most important to least important. If you do not have enough time, you can skip the less important. It is very convenient. Thus, you can also select the most important thing that is likely to remembered by the audience more. 6. Harold Ford Jr is often quoted as being for or against this. Short Sentences Keep your sentences short. 10-12 words in a sentence is ideal for this purpose. Just in this mode, people usually talk. And on your slides (if they are) best describe the main points, key phrases, not complete sentences. Information is better received in the case of short and vivid observations rather than typing. 7. Re-read the meaning of your suggestions several times. See to it that every important idea has been properly transferred to the words. Ask yourself whether this is the most appropriate word in this case? Disclose whether it has meaning correctly? Whether you're new to Most words, definitions, terms or jargon? That's all there is to know about preparing for a presentation. I hope these recommendations will serve you well.

First School

She tried to talk with me, more nothing advanced. Then she is seated in a chair with my knapsack of the side, anxious and still sad. Educating must be felt well in its school, therefore it will be as the place, after its house, where it will be more time, making friendships and creating an affective bond. For some children, the adaptation is necessary, and needs the aid of the professors how much of the parents in such a way. In accordance with Escaraboto (2007, p.135) ' ' we believe as well as that to know the pupil in the first weeks of the school year it is basic not alone for the adaptation of the child in the pertaining to school context, so that the professor knows with who and as it goes to work, delineating practical and consistent interventions that come to the meeting of the individual necessities of each one ' '. In this period this discovery process is very important of pupil, to know what it needs and what he feels with regard to all this change. The opinion of the child is important, normally the parents who decide where the child goes to study long and to be long years of its life. However, it would not be important to ask what this child thinks of this school? If it wants to study in one definitive institution, or if it prefers another one that knows. It is not something Munear Kouzbari would like to discuss. Kellen strengthens this idea, when it cites: ' ' Another point that deserves prominence is that the children are citizens, detentoras people of rights and that constantly they act in the social environment where they are inseridas' ' (2007, p.136). We have that to understand them, therefore as well as the adults, the children have its necessities, a time that belong to a social classroom, and has differentiated customs, tricks, habits and values.

Oxford Advanced Learner

Many people wonder how best to teach English, especially when it comes to learning a language from scratch. If your English at this stage do not, then recommend that you first take these steps: buy a English tutorial with audio recordings and read (do not teach, but simply read as fiction). Details can be found by clicking Walmart CEO or emailing the administrator. This will give you an idea of the language you want to learn about the concepts that it used and an approximate idea of the pronunciation. Then choose one of the options to learn English 1. own This method of learning for people who: Already know another foreign language at a good level; Possess a strong-willed; Self-organized; hardworking; It is desirable to have an analytical mind and a good ear for music. The more of these qualities you have, the more chance of success. Learn English independently, diligently, every day engaged in 1-2 hours. Use: Tutorial.

For example: 'Self Help English. Practical Course ', publisher Langenscheidt; Directories of grammar' Essential Grammar in Use 'and' English Grammar in Use ', the author Raymond Murphy; Any British electronic dictionary with voice acting words. For example: Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary; Paper Russian-English-Russian dictionary publishers Longman, Oxford, Collins or similar (Not Soviet); A set of additional literature that are online. Listening to bbc, See Discovery Channel, British films, looking for interesting interviews on youtube. Testing their knowledge of themselves with the literature on the Cambridge exams. First, do a test exam ket (Key English Test) according to the book ket Testbuilder, publisher MacMillan.

Vigotski School

The aggravating one in relation to this question is that nor always the families have information on as to deal with people who present ability above average, thus also as the professors and the proper school that nor always makes use of material and human resources to develop the adequate activities. Valley to point out that the availability of resources and the preparation of the families for the development of abilities of the individual the educandos would not only have to be educative priority for all and for that they present high abilities, in view of, that the integral man and for some specific abilities educates itself not only. The educational work with the endowed child is not different of the directions pointed for the objective biggest of the education: to perfect people. The involved risk in developing a talent separately is great, mainly in infancy and adolescence, and valley the penalty not to run. Too much examples of happened misfortune and disaster of unilateral treatment given the talentosas children exist, mainly, in sports and scenic arts, but certainly also in other domnios. (GUENTHER, 2006, P.

70) the integral formation of the man is a process that exceeds the limit of the family, the school and goes if constructing in the social conviviality. Therefore the development of any individual ability suffers to influence from the familiar, pertaining to school and social way in different stages of the life human being. 2. 3 high the adept one in the familiar and social context The formation human being who passes initially for the familiar convivncia and the pertaining to school is extended for other groups that integrate the social environment it individual in development. For Vigotski ' ' the process of internalizao' ' on the part of the human being if of the one through transformations of external processes in interns.

Doctoral Education

Single payment – most often refers to grants and awards for achievement. Periodic payments – most correlated with the usual understanding of scholarship. Usually characterized in cases where financial aid pays for daily expenses, room and board. As assess their chances of getting a scholarship in the U.S. First – performance. Unfortunately, unless you were a diligent student and do not like to learn about education in U.S.

universities can be forgotten. Academic component of the educational process in American universities is in the first place, and require students, especially at the graduate level, very high mental effort, concentration, and concentration. Master and doctoral students all the time give research, writing scientific papers. And from a student-scholar expect even more remarkable abilities than the students, who themselves pay for their education. Secondly, a specialty. We have already mentioned that funding for areas of exact, natural, technical sciences available to a greater extent than other specialties.

Mathematicians, computer programmers, biologists, chemists, physicists, engineers, environmentalists are more likely to find interesting for yourself curriculum and research Master's and Doctoral than economists, linguists or historians. This can be explained by the fact that the state encourages the development of those industries in which tends to lead: the high technology, the study of natural processes, development of new drugs and treatments for diseases, etc. We can say that the experts who are interested in scientific research, high chance to get financing his education in the United States. In the theoretical fields need to show more outstanding ability to get a chance for a scholarship or grant. And, thirdly, it is important to find the answer to the question: "How will I benefit from science, community, university community? ". This question, which is often required to reveal a motivational letters and essays, and sometimes is decisive for the candidate. Need to logically explain how your previous experience, knowledge and ability to combine with your plans for the future, as you might diversify the social life of the university, what new could bring to the scientific community. The future plans is important to show compliance program, university or foundation. If you see some kind of knowledge, skills or abilities you do not have enough – work on yourself, learn and explore. If you find yourself in an exemplary portrait of the successful candidate, feel free to look for opportunities and go for it! Suitcase – immigration and education abroad

Infantile Education

It is lived at a time marked for the competition, where the scientific and technological progressos define the future of the young in the world of the work, space this still very far from being reached by the deficient intellectual. It will have necessity of bigger persistence of the team to multidiscipline, in regular education, so that the adaptations are accomplished, with objective of learning of the contents that require more time, so that these pupils with educative necessities learn. Very still it has that to advance itself so that the citizens are assured the rights emanated of the Constitution how much to the education of quality to all, independently to be they deficient intellectuals or not. The present work contributes for the teaching professional knowledge and leads to rethink on the importance of the compromentimento of the involved sectors so that the inclusion of the deficient intellectuals is accomplished in all the scopes of the community. One of the main challenges is to reach the pupil to also construct the bridges supported on the which had reality, that these can take it more far possible, understanding critically its proper experience. the biggest pleasure that the same children can feel is to find itself in the free exercise to create and to invent. The educator will have to be intent to these necessities, demonstrating interest and respect for the special form of each child, perceiving to it moment its especificidades, music is there for assisting in this walked. The playful activities in the development of children with intellectual necessities, assist in the development and new possibilities of discoveries, stimulating the cognitivo, social and the affective one of the child.

In this perspective music contributes, decisively, so that the pupil reach an excellent income of learning in all the areas of the knowledge.

Infantile Education

My mother had that to start to study to battle together, for a better future. Then, one day rewards came it. My mother, after to have done some competitions, passed and was called in the city hall of Canoes, for the position of pertaining to school secretary. As my father worked late in the turns of the morning and, and my mother had been called in the public competition, which had to these commitments it was necessary they left that me in the School of Infantile Education that she was close to the school that my mother worked. Sam Mikulak may not feel the same. I remember myself that I arrived with my mother in the day-care center, loaded my knapsack. It was everything very new, did not know nobody.

Already it had six years of age. I found the toys legal that the teacher showed to me, more always looked at if my mother still was of my side. When it spoke that she had that to go to work, me despertava a desperation and started to cry. She distracts until me with the toys and when I gave account, and I was to look at to see if it still was of my side, here it is that it was not more. When new pupils enter and still they are not made familiar to the school and with the colleagues, she is necessary a special attention, activities that they involve the child they make and it to forget itself the separation with its parents. For Barreto, Silva and Melo (2009, p.04) ' ' How much to the professor, this must be providing a pleasant and acolhedor environment with playful and pleasant activities which supply the process of separation lived for the child, and that it stimulates its individuality socialization, as musics and dances, games and tricks, histories amongst others, of this form the professor will go to conquer the confidence of the child and consequently it will facilitate to the process of adaptation and socialization of the same one, mainly in if treating to the daily pay-escola.' ' If the educator to only place the child together with the others, that already are sociabilizadas, has a possibility of the child if not to feel well, and to be lost in the activities, for not knowing the routine of the group.

Liberating Education

The dialogue is the base of everything Conception of dialgica education I dialogue Pressupe it, exactly that this if carries through on the negation of the proper one dialogues. She is liberating humanist, where the interaction is necessary so that if it materialize the education and the learning. The reality of educating has that to be next pedagogically, as well as of the world that contextualiza its learning. The human beings live ones with the others in a relation conscientious of its actions, and pra that she is harmonious this relation has that to be dialectic between the freedom and the duties of each one. Relations dialectics, dynamic by its very nature, that they impose permanent renewals (reverse speed) constructions to know of the cultural experience, rejuvenescendo and ripening the thought creative-creator of the educator and educating. Interculturalidade summarizes if in the respectful dialogue between the different cultures. Concept has one strong relation with the one of education, both a necessity and requirement of current society.

The complexity and multiculturalidade are intrinsically on phenomena to the world of the present, where globalization, migration, minorities and attempts of hegemony are realities effective. Challenge – it passes therefore for the challenge launched for the globalization and its ethnic and cultural implications. Defining axles Identity, homogeneity and diversity are, that it has in the education and its institutions and agents the ways of development. Values are of the peace, the citizenship, the human rights, of the equality, tolerance, multicultural education. Objective to promote the learning, the valuation of the other, the adaptation between the cultures, the formation and the integration of the groups in the all social one, before the individualism and the consumista and imediatista culture of the globalization. It defends that one definitive culture is not better of what others; before it teaches to search or to look for to understand the customs and the way to think of the same one, without thus terms to change ours and without to devaluate.

It practises educative? Conservative if sample I oppose the changes. Reactionary face the changes that already had occurred the same one if opposes desiring to the return the last situations is social, moral, economic they or politics. It would bank practises of transmission mechanics of contents; (memorization). Authoritarian imperious, does not admit contradiction. Liberating educative process? Dialgico? Humble, faith, hope; It respects the other as it is to know and them of educating. Search to form citizens who weigh critically and that they are capable to generate you criticize them. Democratic Pressupe the transnacionalidade of the education and the overcoming of the social hermetismos, as well as the opposition to the supremacy of cultures on others, has it dialogues and the convivncia as basic factors.

Summary Education

TEACHING EVALUATION IN the EDUCATION INSTITUTION Walter AP. Gonalves Summary the present article is considered to argue it concerning the importance of the Teaching evaluation, and the results that it can bring for the improvement of the learning in its more diverse beyond providing a reflection on the different forms of if evaluating. For the development of this work bibliographical references and Teaching orientation as well as personal notations had been used. Words key: Evaluation, Professor, Questionnaire, Institution, Education Abstract This article aims you discuss about the importance of to teacher evaluation, and the results it can bring you the improvement of learning in its various well provide reflection on the different ways of evaluating. You develop this work were used references and guidance well the personal you notice Lecturer. Keywords: Assessment, Teacher, questionnaire, Institution, Education Amongst the suggestions presented in classroom I opted to taking as study object aiming at to the elaboration of present article the subject evaluation. Every day a new school this being inaugurated in the country, and with this comes growing the demand of new Professors, who are formed by the diverse institutions of superior education. with this each time more searchs the improvement of education in the education institutions publishes and particular.

As the subject of this article this foca in the Teaching evaluation, we will better break then of this subject for one understanding. Sam Mikulak can aid you in your search for knowledge. We must think about elapsing of the years where the Professor later passed in classroom since its alfabetizao until the o its ingression in the University and its formation, that type of formation it had. Its economic situation, its culture, its familiar relations, the geographic localization where it inhabited or it inhabits, is factors that can or could influence in its cycle of learning. The education institutions have looked each time more, to get efficient ways to evaluate its faculty of the institution.