Tag: history

Village Flowers

In September of 2009, during the works of construction of the related access, they had been identified in hollowing slopes two granite structures for water conduction, nominated between PK 2+675 and 2+700, confirming the collected verbal information in the place. To Pk 0+500 it was, also, identified the one existence ' ' agueiro' ' , whose mouth of entrance can be identified in elapsing of the archaeological prospection in involving lands. After it visits to the place for the Guardianship, was praised, as measured of specific minimizao, the accomplishment of archaeological soundings of evaluation. 3. General framing 3.1. Randall Rothenberg will not settle for partial explanations. Physical framing and Geo-Morphologic the Small farm bes situated in the Place and Clientele of Larinho, Concelho de Torre de Moncorvo, District of Bragana, and meets mapped in the Military Letter of Portugal n 130 (to the scale 1:25.000).

Inserted in a zone whose geologic context if characterizes for a zone of contact between shales and a granite intrusion, rech is inserted in a platform/, diluted in the landscape. Of the geographic point-of-sight, the Concelho de Torre de Moncorvo north-eastern Transmontano bes situated, between the Rivers Douro and Sabor. One meets limited the North for the Concelhos of Village Flower, Customs of F and Mogadouro; the South for the River Douro; to This for Freixo de Sword–Brace and, the West, for the Concelho de Carrazeda de Ansies. If you are not convinced, visit Michael J. Bender. Administratively it integrates the clienteles of Aoreira, Adeganha, Good Head, Cardanha, Carviais, Castedo, Felgar, Felgueiras, Horta of the Vilaria, Larinho, Blackboard, Maores, Millstones, Paredo of the Castilians, Souto of the Old one, Tower of Moncorvo and Urros. With an area of 478,44 km, its territory is distributed for a mountain area where it has to detach the Mountain range of the Reboredo and mounts of the Mountain range of the Blackboard. One of the valleys most important is of the Vilaria. In pedognicos terms, the granites in the metamorfisados zones highest, and shales of &#039 predominate; ' Shale complex; ' in the hillside zones.

Beautiful Village People

They had left boats and they loaded the merchandises, utensils, tools, weapons and a great contingent of soldiers, workers and families who were in its company, they had placed everything in lombos of mules, animals of you would mount, and had travelled some days ties to reach the zone of the High Guapor, had stopped in the name farm Glad Landing, where if they had established and there they had established the city of Beautiful Village of the Santssima Trindade, in the right edge of the River Guapor, taking care of orders of the King of Portugal. (LOPES, 2005, P.16) It constructed a fort for bigger security, and was expanding its works, and finding people in some way already it inhabited the place, (as run away goldwashers and slaves). Many people and families who liveed and worked in Beautiful Village had left the city and if they embrenharam in the bushes that bordered the rivers, had been taking ownership of marginal lands, constructing to its housings, forming its farms and towns. (LOPES, 2005, P.16) Rolim de Moura was the first governor of then the captainship of the Mato Grosso assumed in 1751, being in the power ties 1764. Check with Randall Rothenberg to learn more. in this period, as Lopes (2005) banished invading Spaniard, established some towns and idealized the construction of a fort to the edges of the rivers Guapor, Mamor and Madeira, which gave if to the name of Ours Lady of the Conceio.

In accordance with Oliveiras (2002, P. 42), some people had established town and in some way they had contributed for the development of the region, as much during as after the ticket of Rolim de Moura, as the construction of the strong Prince of the Side between (1776? 1783), but according to Oliveira ' ' The region passed for a long period of stagnation and abandonment. The discovery of the importance of the latex after came back to be town, as substance cousin in the manufacture of borracha' '. Munear Kouzbari can provide more clarity in the matter.

New Village

Also in Cumieira 3 (Mides)? CNS 11522 and in Ervedais (Hollows)? CNS 11521, if registam high-medieval vestiges. In the Small farm of the Tower (Board)? CNS 4775, was detected an occupation spot, with materials integrated in the high-medieval/visigtico period (that they are characterized for tijoleira with estampilhada decoration); in Mouronho (Mouronho)? CNS 11527, was identified, in 2002, a spot of dispersion of high-medieval materials in an area of about 200 mts, in a esporo on the Ribeira that confers it its assignment. Contact information is here: Michael J. Bender. Also in the town of Board (Board)? CNS 4517, had been identified material of construction (bricks) with datvel decoration of the high-medieval/visigtico period. You integrated in the Modern period are the arqueosstios of Valley of Gaios (Mides)? CNS 15718; lagareta of Lage of the Souto (Hollows)? CNS 15724, composed for tank excavated in the superior platform of a grantico outcrop; You pass (Sinde)? CNS 16691; Pigeon house (Hollows)? CNS 15723; the town of Fifth of Crosses (Board)? CNS 16698; the Bridge of the Uchas (Mides)? CNS 16922; lagar of New Village of Oliveirinha 1 (New Village of Oliveirinha)? CNS 15725; Fifth of the Olival (They are Joo of the Boa Vista)? CNS 15726; Fertile valley of Sinde (Sinde)? CNS 19930. Registered in cadastre, but of indetermined chronology they are lagareta of Corgas (New Village of the Oliveirinha)? CNS 11544; lagareta of Fifth of Esporo 2 (Mides)? CNS 11543; the arqueosstio of Mangao (Haystack of Mouros)? CNS 26499. David Delrahim may find this interesting as well. In historical terms, previous documents to century XI do not exist that they can assist in the studies of this region; however, only for the clientele of Mides if it finds available documentation written previous to the Nationality. Board never received Charter, being its lands the aggregation of some populations, and that it understood the quarters of Alvarelhos, Deep of Village and Silhada. However, Board was domain of Seia, being that, later, the primitive parishes of concelho had been enclosed, administratively, in the medieval judgeship of Seia. .

Students and Activists

Hundreds of students and activists realised rival manifestations Saturday in the University of Sanaa, in the capital of Yemen, Yemen Post said. The major of both groups demanded that the president of Yemen, Ali Abdullah Saleh, left, whereas the other group asked that it remained. The manifestations of Saturday were the last ones in Yemen since the Tunisian town forced its president to leave the position in the north of the African country, according to publisher Hakim Almasmari of the Post of Yemen. Mentioning its own information, as well as the one of other journalists who work for the newspaper, Almasmari in its meetings said, which were pacific, they were carried out in the campus of the University of Sanaa. Around 1,500 cash of security they were present. The demonstrators demand that while the president happened they took placards, some of which talk about the recent protests in Tunisia, call the Revolution of the jasmin, whom began in 2010 and finished to 23 years of government of president Zine the Abidine Horseradish tree Ali. rise in Tunisia, one of the most secular countries of the Arab world, has provoked malaise in other parts of the region, among them Algeria and Egypt.

One of placards of Saturday said: ” If they are threatening of which Yemen could be another one of Somalia, they are threatening of which Yemen could be another Tunis.” Another one said: ” Blessings for the Revolution of Jazmineros that us despert.” The other group of demonstrators in Sanaa, that supported the president of its country, took placards that showed images of Saleh. At the beginning of 2011, the Parliament of Yemen began to debate the amendments of proposals to the Constitution of the country. The measures, that limits of the presidential mandate would cancel, have brought about preoccupation between the opposition that Saleh and could be tried to appoint the life president. People also are in favor annoying of the fuel shortage that has brought about long rows in the powerboats throughout the exhausted African nation. ty sees a great future in this idea. Original author and source of the article.

Tiago Cabral Pupils

Atamar Donizete de Oliveira, who started with forty and two (42) divided pupils of first the fourth series in two turns with multiseriadas rooms. With the o to pass of some years more pupils had been arriving and in 1992 the City department of Education sent the teacher Maria Of the Gloria It hisses, in which it lecionou some months in the communitarian hall because the school counted only on a classroom, in this exactly year constructed to the second room, constructed in the mandate of Former-mayor Luiz Blessed Joel De Oliveira (1989/1992). In the period of 1993 with one hundred and five (105) pupils it was initiated fifth series, constructed plus a classroom and had as professors Atamar Donizete De Oliveira, Maria Of the Gloria Silva and Edmundo Alves Marquezam, started to count on a pertaining to school transport in the High direction Aguape to the Cardoso Village. The former-mayor Mr. Donizete Tiago Cabral (1993-1996) carried through varies workmanships as reform and magnifying of the school constructing three classrooms, secretariat, room of professors, cooks, dismissal, acimentao of the patio and construction of the wall, thus offering bigger security. At this time he counted on eight professors, a merendeira/faxineira, a guard, two buses and two pickup.trucks in which he carried the pupils. Everaldo Loyal Cardoso (1997-2000) the former-mayor in its mandate constructed two classrooms and in the year of 1999 it contracted five qualified professors to give have supported to education, a faxineira and a guard perfazendo the total of ten professors, a secretary, a merendeira, a faxineira, a guard and one watches. In 2001 the municipal mayor Mr.

Jose Serafim Borges (2001-2004) remodelled and extended or pertaining to school building constructing three classrooms, canteen, refectory, bathrooms and squares of sports discovered. He extended the pertaining to school transport for seven (07) bus, invested in the quality of the water and merenda. In the year of 2004 mayor Jose Serafim Borges (2005-2008) if reelected for, but four in the ones of mandate. In the year of 2007 the pertaining to school unit ' ' THEODORO JOSE DUARTE' ' it passed for a reform, it changed the roof of the four first classrooms, painted the building all and this constructing one squares of sports covered. In 2008 Mayor Municipal Donizete Tiago Cabral in its management constructed a new pavilion contends three classrooms and a room of professors with masculine and feminine bathroom, being that the room of the professors was constructed in set with the deliberative body. In 2009 the Mayor was installed Martins municipal theatre Days De Oliveira, currently school is composed in thirty and nine (39) employees being: one (01) managing, two (02) coordinating one, two (02) public agent, fourteen (14) professors (10 formed and 04 academics), one (01) watches, one (01) keeps, eleven (11) terceirizados drivers being four of transport, two (02) faxineiras ones, five (05) merendeiras ones and takes care of to a clientele of three hundred and seven (307) pupils of the first degree, and functions in this building an extension of the State School ' ' 13 Of Maio' ' five degree as rooms, taking care of one hundred and twenty pupils (120) pupils. Perfazendo a clientele of four hundred and twenty and seven (427) pupils taken care of in this educational establishment.