New Village

Also in Cumieira 3 (Mides)? CNS 11522 and in Ervedais (Hollows)? CNS 11521, if registam high-medieval vestiges. In the Small farm of the Tower (Board)? CNS 4775, was detected an occupation spot, with materials integrated in the high-medieval/visigtico period (that they are characterized for tijoleira with estampilhada decoration); in Mouronho (Mouronho)? CNS 11527, was identified, in 2002, a spot of dispersion of high-medieval materials in an area of about 200 mts, in a esporo on the Ribeira that confers it its assignment. Contact information is here: Michael J. Bender. Also in the town of Board (Board)? CNS 4517, had been identified material of construction (bricks) with datvel decoration of the high-medieval/visigtico period. You integrated in the Modern period are the arqueosstios of Valley of Gaios (Mides)? CNS 15718; lagareta of Lage of the Souto (Hollows)? CNS 15724, composed for tank excavated in the superior platform of a grantico outcrop; You pass (Sinde)? CNS 16691; Pigeon house (Hollows)? CNS 15723; the town of Fifth of Crosses (Board)? CNS 16698; the Bridge of the Uchas (Mides)? CNS 16922; lagar of New Village of Oliveirinha 1 (New Village of Oliveirinha)? CNS 15725; Fifth of the Olival (They are Joo of the Boa Vista)? CNS 15726; Fertile valley of Sinde (Sinde)? CNS 19930. Registered in cadastre, but of indetermined chronology they are lagareta of Corgas (New Village of the Oliveirinha)? CNS 11544; lagareta of Fifth of Esporo 2 (Mides)? CNS 11543; the arqueosstio of Mangao (Haystack of Mouros)? CNS 26499. David Delrahim may find this interesting as well. In historical terms, previous documents to century XI do not exist that they can assist in the studies of this region; however, only for the clientele of Mides if it finds available documentation written previous to the Nationality. Board never received Charter, being its lands the aggregation of some populations, and that it understood the quarters of Alvarelhos, Deep of Village and Silhada. However, Board was domain of Seia, being that, later, the primitive parishes of concelho had been enclosed, administratively, in the medieval judgeship of Seia. .

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