Month: November 2013

Educational And Its Stimulaton In The Student

EDUCATIONAL AND its STIMULATON IN the Carlos STUDENT Vanegas Blackberry does not surprise to us to read that which is said, that the majority of the educational ones does not take responsibility by its performance in the classroom nor, is the more important, by the advance of the learning of its own students. Of course for many reasons reason for another writing. Nevertheless an aspect that is due to reflect in modern teaching is what as much the educational one knows to stimulate the student. On it we can indicate, that all good educational college student, totally identified with its mission to provide the necessary knowledge according to the requirements that the time present demand, must know how to stimulate its students to that these generate, take passage to new knowledge that collaborate with solutions that favor the community, region where they coexist. Of course, that is not the unique stimulaton, is many others that have been neglected by some educational ones, not taking suitably the opportunity which it appears to him in that entailment, stimulatons for example, in which the student uses its creative potential suitably, abilities, skills, interest in the investigation, personal growth, learning. For it, the educational one must know how to use motivational stimuli that they take passage to that the stimulaton arises that all we bring and entails to generate results that not only favor to the stimulated one but to all. For it is necessary, the educational one autoevaluar itself, to determine which are the motivational stimuli that are using through their teaching, how those stimuli have entailed to that the estudiantado one is motivated, stimulated and entails that the class, the learning reaches academic excellence. It must the educational one in addition, to have a self-knowledge of his weaknesses, strengths in his methodology, the form as it sets out his ideas, knowledge and mainly, how it stimulates his students, aspect who determine themselves easily with the results, the prevailing motivational climate in the course.


In the life three great forms exist to take the life, this divides to the people in three very important groups, the poor men (or that will be poor), the means and the rich ones (or who will be rich). This thus must mainly to its form to face the life, since I do not share the idea that as you are born you are, or all their family always was poor and therefore must be poor or vice versa all their family was rich and therefore he will be rich for always, of course who is events that we see many on a daily basis will say this type is a crazy person if exactly that is what happens in the daily life, I I share totally this thought but with a reservation that generally exists what we denominated to inherit behaviors and forms to face the life this makes the exposed thing previously real, but we must know that this can always be changed for or or evil. All we know many cases people who were born in humblest from the society and they were transformed into great industralists, sportsmen, artists, politicians, etc. Like also children of papa who when happening years lost all their inherited fortune and were in the greatest misery. We can see that each one of the people always have two options or to follow the example familiar or not to follow it, that is a personal decision and nothing would have to influence envelope it. Often we see parents strike children and to excuse itself saying is that to if they educated to me, this to seem is a cheap excuse of the human beings, because that is not but that a decision of each person, so that also the opposite ones to this case, that exist I say I do not strike my children then struck my parents to me and I do not want that they pass just like I.