Quickly Immune

One swears on resilience, the other on a balanced diet, and still others on the pill from the pharmacy. How can they strengthen the immune system? It is slowly getting colder. Unfortunately it rains more often. The summer has left us long ago and the autumn shows his familiar face. The first colds have already obtained the acquaintances and circle of friends. High time to do something for its own defense forces. Because a cold can finally use nobody. But there are Yes a lot of ideas and alleged miracle cure, as it could strengthen the immune system.

Doctors explain what really helps and what can be described only as placebo. Let’s first of all the physicians to words. What is the immune system and what does it? The immune system consists of various cells and soluble factors that repel pathogens and tumour cells”, Hajo Haase (Institute for Immunology at the University Clinic of RWTH Aachen University) describes our immune system. Immune cells are a Defense mechanism against all foreign”, explains Karsten Kruger (Institute of Sport Science at the University of Giessen). “And yet are complemented: the immune system is like the police, patrol run must.” by Prof.

Stefan Meuer (Director of the Institute of Immunology at the University of Heidelberg). How can one strengthen the immune system but now in preparation for the rainy autumn and cold winter? Jump naked into the Cold Lake? Frequent saunas? Regularly consume whey drinks? Currently, the experts must admit the science understand too little of it, to take a specific influence on the body’s natural defences. However, it is indisputable that the diet have an effect on the immune. But a hardening off ‘ have no scientifically provable positive effect on the immune system. All in all there is probably three key factors that affect the immune system. Mostly, these influencing factors can be controlled even by us. The first Factor I mentioned earlier. It is the balanced diet. Who thinks this to Grandma’s chicken soup, I’d said that it may have only a very short-term positive effect. The body gets nutrients, salt and heat. The body needs copper, iron or vitamins such as A, C, D and for a functioning immune system. Factor of two is physical movement. Moderate exercise, so swimming, cycling or jogging strengthens the immune system regardless of rain, snow or Sun”, sports physician Kruger says. We assume that we irritate the immune system a bit with each training and thereby stimulate. Then, it works better. “, complements this approach Haase. Factor three is the modern problem of life and trigger of a wide range of diseases of civilization: stress. The mind has an effect on the immune system should not be underestimated. When permanently sustained stress, the body pour more cortisol. This in turn suppresses the immune system. Psychological well-being is therefore very important. “, concludes Maharjan. So, can at least up to a certain extent, affect three essential factors for a good or bad defense itself and thereby strengthening the immune system. Best yet, before winter comes! The information used in this news release, as well as the collected facts and figures are based on the post “one swears on resilience, the other on a balanced diet, and still others on the pill from the pharmacy. How can they strengthen the immune system? “.” This article, the physician to Word allows, what really helps the own immune system, found his first publication on the blog “Health portal”.

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