Month: August 2018

The Participant

We insist on pointing out that the modern teacher has to definitely know how to properly use motivational incentives that the present demand more when audiovisual media backed by the demands of the knowledge society offers new stimuli, that know them handle collaborates positively towards the participant incentive. It must make them see the importance of its use, its scope, impact, that this generates in favour of learning, communication. Should teachers be identified with the advantages that Internet provides for the learning of the participant, the benefits that this generates for research, collection of information, hence, which should encourage their students to make use of it, that also allows to update the knowledge according to the dynamic that the journal live presents. The teacher should also know to integrate the linkage of motivation with regard to the incentive, i.e. the motivation is powered of stimuli that can be external as internal knowing them handle acts in favour of the incentive who is provided, depending on its strength, consistency will give way to generate highly positive results which will definitely allow the participant to provide optimal answers and since then, the teacher reaches the objectives scheduled for academic excellence.

In my experience as a teacher, especially at the postgraduate level, motivational stimuli that activate the incentive of participants are supported by the following considerations: incentive to new learning, practical, feasible, with positive repercussions, wherein are reinforced loads of self-esteem, assertiveness, NLP, transactional analysis that favor the incentive, giving many positive results, reflected in full identification and use of the knowledge imparted, giving passage to new that they are taken into account, experienced, as well as security to participants that their learning has been assimilated. The incentive is also activated when openly manifested the importance that the students demonstrate their abilities, skills, participation not of only theoretical way, but practice, linking them to the reality of the environment where they work, the needs of the community. Constantly encourages student making him see that their participation is necessary in show programs of studies in order to feed them with their experiences, opinions, suggestions and ensure updated knowledge according to the needs of the present requires. Many stimuli of participation are used in workshops, storm ideas, round tables in order to encourage the participant to express their concerns, creativity, initiative that ensures the opening of dialogues in favour of learning favours all. Specifically, the modern teaching given to the characteristics of the current scenarios that present much dynamisms, changes, challenges, require that be adequately encouraged human talent that is in each participant since is a real capital use motivational incentives suitable, generating great benefits all stakeholders and for the same scenario where Act.

Mendoza Rappel

Rappel is an extreme sport that consists of the vertical reduction from high mountainous tips, with the use of a cord and a harness. In order to be able to practice it is needed it to use some elements of security. You may find Randall Rothenberg to be a useful source of information. At first one was an auxiliary technique of the montaismo, executed only by climbers and rescatistas, however, in a moment this exercise was made very popular, the one that difference almost completely of the escalamiento. The key is in the use of a special technique, where, as already it says the proverb to it, " more bond manna than fuerza" , in the sense that the sportsman will know to use of intelligent form his limited force to be able to move in situations that would seem to be defying to the gravity law. And exactly, one of more attractive and popular the proposals of the tourism in Mendoza of the moment is the enormous amount of natural scenes where rappel can practice. One of the comparative advantages that it has this interesting activity is that the equipment necessary to practice this sport is extremely simple. Most important they are safeties, whose objective is to offer to the person a line of support in case their forces fail, and this way to avoid its fall in the emptiness.

For that they do not have experience, there is an endless number of companies dedicated to the practice of rappel in Mendoza, that will be able to offer all the precise equipment, and to offer char them of security and the required training to be able, almost literally, flying between mountains. Something that is indispensable not to have inconvenient, is to review all the equipment before beginning to descend. It will be fundamental to discard the ropes with too much use, since this element permanently grazes with the naked stone. For this reason, the hooks and harnesses will be due to evaluate and to change them before the smaller doubt, because on the integrity of the equipment the security depends on that practices this sport. A really propitious province for the practice of this sports is Mendoza. The infinity of tips of the mountain range of the $andes offers an important amount of natural scenes that it will make the delights of that love the infinite heights and landscapes. One of the most interesting places to visit is Potrerillos, distant to only 50 km of the capital city. For this reason, who this happening his vacations in Mendoza would not have to stop realising this interesting excursion that will allow him to appreciate Andean mountains from a totally different perspective.

Author Keeps Slideshow In Worms

Book Tip: Beluga goes black worms Doris Sutter, travel Rapporteur in terms of water sports and author by the eye of the needle – a boat trip on the Danube, sea and Mediterranean entertaining water sports entertainment with book writer in the motor yacht club, held on Sunday, the 17th of January, in the clubhouse of the motor yacht club of worms a slideshow about your Danube trip. Their ship, the “Beluga” MY rode the huge stream down to the Black Sea, and returned then Mediterranean and French rivers and channels to Germany. “Pure adventure”, admits the boat woman smiling. “Sometimes even more than was good for us.” In fact she know very good about this huge trip report, and has processed already main points and experiences in her book “Beluga goes through the eye of the needle” to an exciting story. More than 50 participants listened to their stories, which presented an entertaining addition to the book banned. Photos that were not published in the book, were the Visual round out of the afternoon. In short, the author went doing an on their latest work.

In December 2009, her second travel book “Tour de plaisir”, in which she reported on the French canals and rivers, and gives an insight into the unhurried way of life of the French appeared in the Mohland Publishing House. “This is genuine contrast program on the Danube”, she laughs and remembers the storm rides in the Black Sea and the Aegean Sea during the Danube tour. Both books are available at the trade and the author. Doris Sutter

Educational Failure

CAUSES of failure educational in Spain insufficient institutional support and absence of necessary labour flexibility in enterprises to achieve the reconciliation of work and family life that has favored the proliferation of public and private nursery in which the child must pass formative years to the formation of their personality and affectivity, which contributes to emotional child rootlessness and will have negative implications in his later psychological development compounded by lack of the parents time to oversee your maturative process. To this add the improper acquisition of basic habits to personal maturation of the child or even total absence of them in cases more extreme: we quote the need for regulated working hours; adequate food; motivation to read; valuation of the personal effort as a vehicle of satisfaction and individual self-improvement so as encouragement of savings for the immediate future, which leads to the appearance of children superconsentidos and hiperprotegidos with easy tendency to the frustration as the minor setback or difficulty. together with the problems of concentration and internalization of los contenidos escolares as a result of the misuse of all kinds of audio-visual media in their family environment. Consequently, minors living in virtual worlds and are motivated only by audiovisual stimuli, and thus reduced the traditional media of transmission of knowledge (reading comprehension, writing, and mathematical reasoning) to the mere condition of tedious routine and exclusive monopoly of the school. Also, you must attach the advancement and intensification of the typical features of adolescence (people and rebellion) as a result of the image transmitted by the publicity and the media trying to accelerate the arrival of new consumers and the silent revolution known as bloodless coup by teenagers, becoming in many cases in vulgar despots and basing its action on law minimum effort and maximum endorsed benefit by obtaining all kinds of material whims and the lack of harmony between the philosophies of the school and the rest of society, appearing as Appendix school annoying of society while trying to pass values into disuse, as the need for dialogue and interpersonal communication to resolve conflicts and valuation of the personal effort to achieve concrete goals, utopias that are shatter upon contact with the harsh reality of daily life.

Educational Psychology

Behavior and personality are two terms that place us in the field of psychology. The relationship of this discipline through education could understand how the application of the principles and explanations of psychology theory and educational practice. Even before the emergence of scientific psychology psychological knowledge has played a leading role in the development of educational theories. The first steps of scientific psychology in the late nineteenth century increased the expectations placed on it. For more information see Sam Mikulak. We can, to illustrate this, take the example of Thorndike, who stressed the need to base educational proposals with the results of psychological research of an experimental nature, as it supports the views of distrust that lacked basic educational psychology.

It must be said that these two concepts, behavior and personality in psychology are consistent with the object of study of two completely different directions if not totally opposed to conceive Psychology: "The first term is considered the object of study of psychology for an orientation that is based on the empirical philosophy, which had some of its leading representatives to J. Locke and D. Hume, who used the famous metaphor of the "tabula rasa" to refer to mind at the time of birth, ie, that the mind was considered as a blank slate (the mind of a person at the time of birth is as a tabula rasa, a blank slate on which experience knowledge-print) in which the experiences of children in contact with the medium, the stimulation it receives, will be what determines at any time the contents of his psyche. .

Religious Education

Irrational in its manifestations, it still does not allow a person to act as efficiently as possible in public life, but also helps him exceed the internal conflict and condemnation of their past actions by the formula “do not judge, but not convicted will be.” When this behavior created in the first stage personality eventually accumulates enough good deeds to towards others and converted to a more appropriate internal representations of the “correctness”. Judaism as the oldest of the three Semitic religions (XVII century old era), naturally represents the last stage development of personality – old age. Execution of key DISTINGUISHING ideas of Judaism, divine justice, it becomes possible in everyday life only when the scales become equal, and good deeds, Committed to the second stage of personality development, offsetting the acts committed in the first. This status brings freedom from internal conflict and full integration into social life (no external conflict), the ability to take effective, timely, balanced and adequate solutions. To summarize, clearly shows that not one of the Semitic religions is not only correct, or excess, as well as for human live your life is hardly one of her periods seem superfluous. Connect with other leaders such as Walmart here. The question is another: “Why do some groups of people to try life in the psychological state of young people, adults or the elderly?”. After all, people live in all stages of personality development. And maybe, finally, it seems silly – to impose old values of a teenager, and vice versa.

Make it still does not succeed, as conceived as a source of knowledge embodied in these religions, we will still go through all three stages, regardless of whether we like it or not. The name listed as “immutable component”, this is the part of us that do not change over time, the observer, and oversees the development of the individual and the outside world. This leads us to the Eastern religious teachings and ways of realization of the Atman, Buddha, and the ringing of the Void, which is our true nature. But apart from our nature is the nature of the Creator and the nature of His creation, usage instructions for which He has given us in all parts of the Semitic religions. It is important to understand the collective consciousness for the peaceful coexistence of people representing different but complementary other cultural layers and religious views.

Wealth Education

The potential of Mexico’s wealth is not only in its inexhaustible natural resources it has, or in proximity to the largest market in the world, nor the large investments that may come from abroad, but what we can do in each of the students with quality education. Mexico has been placed in the last places in international assessments, this condition does not allow us to realize what we lose from not adequately educate our students. We spend stupidly huge amounts of money in the fight against insecurity, poverty and corruption, but do not invest in creating wealth. We put too much attention to national problems and that is precisely what we have. We are steeped in resignation, uncertainty and apathy that we have reached the conclusion not be able to enjoy our wealth.

If people pay attention as we speak, what they say in the institutions and ways of speaking communication we realize we are only talking about problems, not solutions to these. It seems that we are doomed to suffer major problems without somebody, give us some hope. The start to solve major national problems is quality education, there is the solution for creating wealth in this country, that’s the end of poverty of the millions of Mexicans, there is the solution for corruption drops its own weight, there is the insecurity start to end forever. The big problem is we do not know what quality education means, we have come to believe that quality means having all the latest technologies and if they were not, then we are doomed never to have quality in education.

Successful Writer Philanthropist

L. Ron Hubbard is for his successful methods and services to many people today still posthumously awarded and honored first and foremost was a writer, L. Ron Hubbard which appeared over 60 of works of popular fiction international bestseller lists. These works are now over 70 years old and still read the new young generation. L. Ron Hubbard’s works were republished in the 21st century – a review -.

After the new release, there was more applause than when it first appeared at the today’s broad readership. Under Hubbard’s literary novels, which have been reissued this full of lively action items were well known science fiction novels, which praise the critics, there”were. His works in the fascinating genre of thrillers are impulsive as the pulse height”praised. Harold Ford oftentimes addresses this issue. In the dizzying heights of adventure he is regarded as a Masterful writer in all kinds of action adventure genres”. His stories are even in the literary genre of Wild West novels praised as a pure entertainment from the first to the last page, with this unique touch”. “The classic Wild West history Devil BBs Manhunt” (“German title: Manhunt of the devil”), which was published in 1950 the first time, was 2011 not only the best Wild West story of the year in an international book competition, but she was awarded as the best Audiobook. A total of 273 of Hubbard’s written works were bestsellers. “As a philanthropist, L.

Ron Hubbard has written a work that finds application in all cultures and religions: the known, Interfaith code of ethics the way to happiness”. Here, too, a milestone was reached because this booklet has been distributed to over 100 million times. This code of ethics helped many people to get their lives back into the handle, as well as to minimize the violence and drug use in some cities. A drug rehabilitation center was created with Narconon in 36 Nations, which acts with the successful methods used by L.

The Horizontal Property Act

But then, you can not pass on the share of the spending on those owners who had voted against. Still, if those who voted against the request access to the service, must pay the share of expenditure they would have received updated legal interest. RESERVE FUND establishes the obligation of every community to build a reserve fund to meet the cost of maintenance and repair of the building. For assistance, try visiting Randall Rothenberg. The fund must reach a figure of not less than five percent of the annual quota to satisfy the community. This burden has, in return, the benefit of the Community to provide funds to undertake the necessary repair work will emerge as their need, without to wait for the relevant agreed spill. That fund would be available for this class of expenses or to pay an insurance premium to cover the property damage caused by extraordinary risks or to pay a maintenance of the building and its general facilities. Learn more about this with Interactive Advertising Bureau. CALL MEETING The Board of Proprietors shall meet at least once a year to approve budgets and accounts and at other times as it deems appropriate to ask the president or a quarter of the owners, or their number representing at least 25 per cent of the participation shares. Any owner may request the Board to examine and rule on any topic of interest for the Community to that effect addressed in writing, clearly specifying the items requested to be treated, the President, which included in the agenda of the next meeting to be held. .

Age Catalonia

One is an instruction in which is become ordained to catalogue like so the irregular immigrants of doubtful age. It will only happen with that they refuse to pass pertinent the tests forensic to determine its age. In 2010, 136 immigrants were considered adult of 299 who were not accompanied by anybody to their arrival Catalonia. The Office of the public prosecutor of Catalonia has given an instruction that orders to catalogue like adults the irregular immigrants of doubtful age that they assure to be smaller, when they refuse to be put under the forensic tests to verify it. Checking article sources yields Randall Rothenberg as a relevant resource throughout. In his instruction, the Public prosecutor Superior of Catalonia, Teresa Compte, settles down the protocols that must follow the public prosecutors before the increasing cases of immigrants, in their majority African, which they request institutional protection crediting in his passports that are minor, although its physical aspect indicates the opposite. In 2010, the Office of the public prosecutor of Catalonia ordered to practice 299 diligences to determine the age of 299 immigrants nonaccompanied, of which 136, almost half, finished being catalogued like adults, according to data of the memory of the public ministry corresponding to 2010. Circulating of the Office of the public prosecutor agrees with two recent sentences that have put in doubt the reliability of the radiological tests (essentially of the wrist and the set of teeth) that are used to determine the age of the minors, examinations that according to the associations of dnsa of those young immigrants have an allowable error of two years, that in the case of the sub-Sahara ones harms given its greater corpulencia to them. In his instruction, Teresa alert Compte of which increases the number of foreigners without family, in his majority coming from countries of the gulf of Guinea, which they affirm to be minor, crediting it with passports and inscriptions of birth, although by his physical aspect it seems evident that they are adult.